We’re celebrating client victories across the country in the 2014 election – especially those in battleground states that resulted in Republicans gaining control of the U.S. Senate. With offices in Plant City and Washington, D.C., we provided consultation, messaging, TV, digital, and radio ad creation, media planning and placement, website design and voter guide research and production for state, regional and national policy and political clients.

Wins include work for the following candidates and clients:

Susan B. Anthony List and its affiliated Women Speak Out PAC used agency produced materials in their extensive field operations throughout North Carolina, Arkansas, Louisiana and Iowa. That effort produced three U.S. Senate upset victories and a run-off election.

The Family Research Council engaged Design4 to help research candidates and produce voter guides for 12 key battleground states, representing more than 100 races and 235 candidates.

The Florida Family Policy Council tasked Design4 with producing candidate and amendment voter guides for all Florida Federal and Florida legislative candidates; nearly 1,000,000 paper copies of full color voter guides and an estimated 500,000 online voter guides were distributed.

In conjunction with our strategic partner Front Line Strategies in Tallahassee, Design4 helped produce and air broadcast messaging for:

Jay Fant (R) – Jacksonville, FL

Janet Adkins (R) – Jacksonville, FL

Bob Cortes (R) – Orlando, FL

Jay Trumbull (R) – Panama City, FL

Finally, a Tennessee client, Yes on 1, passed a ballot initiative that returned abortion legislation to the Tennessee legislature despite being outspent more than 2-to-1. Design4 assisted the campaign team with branding and their online presence.

“We were pleased to play a role in the seismic shift in political philosophy that occurred across the country on November 4,”  said Clint Cline, president and creative director of Design4. “We pray this historic election has elected candidates who will help reaffirm our fundamental freedoms of speech, life, and religious liberty.”